Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a day!

I woke up with such anxiety wondering what the day would hold for all of us especially Chayse. We knew in our hearts that we were making the best choice possible for her to see her Foster family for the last time during this journey and for us to thank them in person for giving her so much love. We were prepared for it to put us back in the attachment process by a few days but since we would have a lifetime together, a few days did not seem so bad.
Since the Orphanage is within Nanning City we arrived within 20 minutes. We travelled down a long narrow road that is used for a market, mostly meat and fish. I took pictures but wished I took more since afterwards I found out that this was the street on which Chayse was found.
Meeting the Foster family has definitely been one of the highlights of our trip. You could see and feel the love they have for Chayse. They expressed their gratitude for us coming since they had fostered 4 other children and said we were the first family ever to request to meet them. We were so happy that we did!
In the end, Chayse was fine during the whole visit. Her Foster mom explained to her that we were her new family (Chayse would actually respond! We were shocked how much Chinese she spoke for a  20mth old!). We exchanged addresses and promised to send updates. Chayse cried a bit when we left and slept the rest of the journey to the Hotel. But when she awoke it was like she was a new baby....closure. I think she knew that we were her forever family!...and yes, I did weep like an idiot but not as bad as I thought I would! :)

Nanning City SWI
Chayse's Foster Family
Foster Sister
Foster Mama

Street where Chayse was found
Apartment where Chayse's family lives (look for balcony with most clothes)

We ended the day by trying out the pool, definitely a success! Tomorrow we will be relaxing as a family and packing since we head out to Beijing early Saturday morning. Thanks for all your positive thoughts and prayers because it worked!!! :)


  1. You are so lucky to have met her foster family. I'm sure these pictures will mean a lot to her when she's older, and it was great that they got to meet you, too; I'm sure it helps them to say goodbye.


  2. What a great story to share with Chayse when she is older! Glad it went well!

    Steph :-)

  3. Ohhh how beautiful. I'm so happy for you and her that it turned out so fabulously. Sob.

  4. Nat, I will always remember when you started dreaming of adopting a child from follow your journey and see you so happy with your family is really heartwarming. I am so happy for you all...Shelley

  5. So wonderful that you can keep in touch with the family. If I were a foster mother, I would want to know how the baby is doing. You did the right thing. Blessings

  6. Wow, how wonderful for you to be able to keep in touch and have pictures for Chayse. Have a safe trip to Beijing,

  7. That's so GREAT!! The pictures are wonderful!! I'm so happy for you. We can't wait to meet her. Have a safe journey back to Keswick. Luv xxxooo
